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Rabbit breeding as a business

22 10:58:50

hi my question is, is rabbit breeding a good business to get into at the moment i am breeding two rabbits i have already and am going to sell the litter and keep one female out of the litter to breed again and so on. But i was thinking if i got some other animals like gerbils and hamsters and stuff like that i could sell them off and breed them as well is it a worth while venture as i love animals and get on great with any sort of animals at all  

Anthony, any business that you truly enjoy is wonderful - BUT - you must have reliable clients who will be sure to buy off your stock.  It is very stressful when all your cages are full and the mothers keep right on giving and there is no more room at the inn.

If you can make a deal with a couple of pet stores ( more than 2 ) that they will take delivery of x amount of each spices every x weeks then you can program your births and it could be a nice side business.  Without an outlet for your production it is risky business.