Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > small mass on my lop rabbits ear

small mass on my lop rabbits ear

22 9:49:13

I have two bunnies who are 8 and 6 yrs old.  They are both in excellent health, but the lop ,who is 6, has a small mass on the outside of his ear which has been there now for around 1 month.  It does not seem to bother him and it hasn't changed in size. The only concern is that when he scratches or cleans his ear some blood forms and dries on top of the mass.  I will bring him to the vet if necessary, but I hate to stress them out.... any suggestions would be helpful!  Thanks!  Chris

Dear Christine,

It could be something as harmless as a fibroma or a papilloma (wart).  But for your peace of mind, you might want to have it checked by a rabbit vet.  Find one here:

Since I can't see the bunny's ear, I would not want to tell you the bump is harmless.  I just can't know that without seeing it.
