Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Stiff Neck!

Stiff Neck!

22 10:44:22

I woke up this morning and noticed my bunny has a stiff neck.  She is a rescued bunny and has been taking antibiotics. She doesn't seem very interested in eating this morning either. Why is she tilting her head to one side?

Dear Catie,

As a followup to your concern about Baytril:  It's very safe, and I hope it will be effective against whatever your bunny has.  But if it doesn't work, then please read:

and ask the vet about doing a culture and sensitivity test on whatever ear discharge there might be.  Please also be sure the vet is experienced enough to know about the possible contribution of E. cuniculi to head tilt, as described here:

Hope she's better soon!

Take care,


Previous answer:

Please get your bunny to a rabbit-expert vet immediately:

especially if she is not eating.  Please read:

and especially:

For a very technical overview of the causes and treatments of head tilt, please read:

and feel free to share that with the vet, if the vet is amenable to such things. The article was written by a very well respected rabbit vet, and could be very helpful.

If she shows no sign of ear infection, then please ask about treating for E. cuniculi:

I hope this helps!
