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Bunny choking

22 10:14:55

Hello, 2 nights ago one of our bunnies began 'choking'.  He was lifting his head up and down and hopping around.  He also was making these awful strangulation sounds.  

I picked him up and all this clear saliva (thick) came out of his mouth.  I was panicky but tried to be calm to him.  I felt helpless and didn't know what to do.
Thank goodness he ended up ok and I placed him back in his pen with his partner and he went on eating his pellets.
I read your procedure re: putting the bunny between your arms and keeping his neck/spine straight then swinging your arms in the air.  

I don't know if the bunny is on his back (which I doubt) or face down.  

Also, I read about the heimlich maneuver for bunnies by Suzy Anram (not sure if last name if completely right spelling, sorry).  It's different from what you suggested.  Both sound scary to perform.  Which is simpler or more effective?  I just hope it never happens again.  We have many rescues and I've never had this happen.  

Thank you,

Dear Paula,

It sounds as if your bunny may have aspirated something and been choking, and your quick manipulation may have saved him.  If this ever happens again (which isn't particularly likely, unless he has molar spurs that are contributing to the problem), then the safest thing to do is just hold him securely, supporting his back and neck, with his nose pointing downward so that gravity can do its work.  You can help by giving small shakes to help jar any obstruction loose, if you don't feel comfortable with swinging or the Heimlich.

I hope this was a unique occurrence, and that you never have to deal with it again.  But it would be a good idea to get him to a good rabbit vet:

for a molar exam to be sure he doesn't have spurs or something caught on the back of one molar, as you can read about here:

Hope this helps.
