Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Thumpers fur

Thumpers fur

22 11:26:06

can you tell me why bunnies loose there fur?

As a general rule, rabbits will lose their fur about twice a year. They actually have the old fur fall out as the new fur fills in behind it. The reason is that as the seasons change, they need thicker fur in the winter (to stay warmer), and thinner fur in the summer (to stay cooler). You may see that the times of the fur loss (called a 'moult') are usually spring and fall, which coincide with the seasonal changes. By the way, even if you live in an area where the seasons don't change much, the rabbits still go through this process, and it is actually more a genetic response than it is a response to the environment. Now, if they lose too much fur and get bald spots, that is not normal, and you should see a veterinarian, bacause it could be a health issue, or some type of parasite. But normally, you'll expect them to lose fur as their coats change out.
Hope this was useful. Steve