Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Sick Dutch Rabbit

Sick Dutch Rabbit

22 11:25:31

My rabbit is approximately 15 months old.  We usually put her out on a screened-in porch every morning.  This morning she was fine.  We left home and was gone for a couple of hours.  When we got home she was laying in the chair breathing very hard and jerking. Also she acts very lifeless. She is not moving her nose like she usually does.  She always licks me and my mother, but has not since earlier today.  I'm not sure what to do for her.  Is something wrong? Can you help me?

There are any number of things that could be wrong with her, she would really need to see a rabbit-knowledgeable veterinarian to determine what the issue is.

There are lists of recommended vets at

Good luck.
