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Rabbit Kit

22 11:17:27

Dear Sir / Madam

Today I was handed a young wild rabbit which someone had picked up thinking it needed looking after.  It is pretty young but i'm not sure how old it is.  I have put it in a nice big wire rabbit cage with a plastic bottom to it, and it is currently hidden in straw under a kind of shelter in the cage (in the garage).  I have placed a shallow bowl of water in with it and plenty of grass.  Tomorrow i will get it some hay.

I am worried however that it has not yet been weaned and will not drink the water and will die of deyration.  I know its difficult as you don't know its age but is there anything i can do or anything i can give it to replace the mum's milk?

Your help would be so appreaichated as i really want it to be okay.  Also, if it does (by some miracle) survive, can a wild rabbit make a nice pet or should i release it?

Many thanks

If the rabbit's eyes are still closed, he is less than 10 days old.  If they are open, his age is a guess.  

You can find information about caring for wild baby bunnies at  

Wild rabbits really don't make good pets, they are scared of people, it would be kinder to release him once he is old enough to survive by himself at 3-4 weeks.
