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Re-training to use litterbox

22 11:17:22

I have a 4 year-old neutered male harlequin who has been pretty well litter-trained since I got him at 7 weeks old.  We moved to a new house 2 months ago and since then he refuses to use his litterbox.  He will go on newspapers next to the box.  If I put him in the box he immediately jumps out, but now with some effort he is willing to sit in his box and pee if fed treats.  These are the same litterboxes and type of litter from the other house.  I thought he might be more comfortable in a less confining space so I tried a couple of flatter, larger litter boxes without success.  I expected some disturbance in litter habits when we moved, but 2 months later I am worried he won't ever go back!  Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

You may have to go back to basics, since you've moved to a new place he isn't quite sure where he should be going.  Confine him to a small area with multiple boxes, until he is using them.  Then gradually give him more space as long as he comtinues to use a box.  Find out where he wants the box to be (usually in a place inconvenient for us but not for him).

Sometimes when bunnies are moved they just totally lose their habits and have to start all over.

I hope that helps you out.
