Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit Testicle....

Rabbit Testicle....

22 10:06:02

QUESTION: I'm trying to check and make sure a bunny I bought from a breeder has been neutered... I looked it up and online it says that a male rabbit has a penis, but no testicles. My rabbit only has one testicle, what does this mean? Is it even a testicle?

ANSWER: Hi Briana. I am not sure how to describle the male rabbits annatomy to you. How old is the bunny you bought? Did this breeder tell you that the bunny had been neutered? Most breeders do not neuter the young rabbits that they sell. If your bunny is under four months old you may not be able to see the testicles yet because they have not developed. Can you give me a bit more information?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is 8-9 months old. He's a dutch bunny, and I can't really remember if they said he was neutered, I believe so, but not 100% sure. I was able to find only one testicle towards his left leg and I did find his penis. His testicle looked to be about the same size of the online pictures, or maybe a little bigger.

Hi Briana. OK, he is old enough to be mature. He should have two testicles but sometimes only one will drop down from the body. Check to see if you can feel the other one there. Did you want to have your bunny neutered? If he has only one testicle down you should talk to a vet and see what he thinks you should do. You can always call and talk to a vet and it doesn't cost you an office call. Pat