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Surprise bunnies

22 11:17:40

Our rabbit surprisingly gave birth yesterday afternoon (we thought she was male!). We are a little worried as we haven't seen her in the nesting box at all since then. We have checked on the bunnies after getting her scent on our hands and they are moving and seem very warm but she doesn't seem at all interested when we go near them she stays out of the way.  This morning she's dying to get out of her hutch as she's usually out all day, should we let her out or keep her in the hutch and how long should we leave it before we intervene?  She's only about 14 weeks old herself so this is a bit of a shock for us.

She is a little young, so you may need to check that she is feeding them properly.  Mother rabbits nurse the babies for about 5 minutes once a day.  If you notice that they have nice round tummies, they are being fed.  If they are rather wrinkled, she is not.

So yes, you could let her go out during the day, that's not a problem.

If you do need to handfeed the babies, there's information on that at
