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I dont know what happened

22 11:10:53

Hello, About a month ago i noticed that my doe was getting very aggressive. I
did some reasearch and found out that she was pregnant. A month went by
and still no babies.I began to give up thinking that she was pregnant. The
other day i went out to her cage to clean it. I opened the lid and noticed a
baby laying on the wire part i seen that she was trying to nurse the baby but
was getting no response. I reached in to pick it up and noticed that it was
dead. This was her first litter and wasn't for sure why she only had one earlier
in the pregnacy i would feel her stomache and you could feel babies moving
around. So im not sure what happened and why she only had one. PLEASE
Thank you, Lucia

hi lucia -its quite common for some first littere does to kill and eat the young but it would look quite messy in the cage.
some does keep them but fail to look after them and they die.
try her again and i suspect she will keep them all this is what usually occurs.