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Rabbit Pregnancy Behavior

22 11:17:28

I noticed a day ago that may female had pulled out her fur and put it in her litter box.  Well, it really never functioned well as a litter box she seemed to just wanto sleep in it!

Anyway, Am I to expect babies?  We did realize that we had a male after it was too late.  When they were sexed he was a she!  So they shared the same cage.  They are indoor pets.  (Mini Rex)They have now been seperated.  She started to become very aggressive toward myself and the buck.  It just seemed like the best thing to do to get them apart.

I found the doe to be very receptive to handling last night then today I went down to check the nest and see if it was clean and she is grunting and growling at me when I put mt hand in the cage.  I left her alone.  I just don't know if the nest she has made is appropriate because I know there is some cell-sorb litter in there and fecal matter.  I don't know if she's urinated there or not.  They really don't just concentrate in one particular area all the time.

So in closing, what do I do?  How soon should I expect the babies at this point? It's been 24 hrs. since I noticed the nest.  If I'm dealing with false how long til I'll know?  Is the nest she has made acceptable for now and should I try to change it when the babies come?  Is it normal for them to be aggressive during this time?  Should I make an attempt to go back later and see if she is receptive to my invading her territory?

Sorry to be long winded.  I hope I hear back soon.  I have NEVER had rabbits before and I am very nervous about not taking proper care of them.  I do not have the money for the vet unless it is ABSOLUTELY nessecary, so I hope you can help.  Thank you very sincerely!

Amy Sunderman

Dear Amy,

Hard to know if she's pregnant unless she has babies.  But if she does, here's some help:

and please also visit:


for all the best information on how to keep your bunnies happy and healthy.

Hope this helps.
