Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Mother Rabbit with Unformed Cecotropes

Mother Rabbit with Unformed Cecotropes

22 9:40:51

My mother rabbit started having unformed cecotropes last night. Her babies are 3 weeks old and all of them are together, but yesterday a snake got into the cage and killed one of the babies. I moved her and all kits into the house and then found unformed cecotropes this morning. Could the stress of the snake attack or moving them into a new cage/location cause this? She seems calm, still nursing the kits, eating/drinking, and having normal pellet poop. The nearest vet is 2 hours away. Thank you.

Dear Karah,

The stress of this terrible even could certainly have caused this temporary cecal dysbiosis or whatever physiological change occurred to make her leave unformed cecotropes.  I'm glad you got the rabbits inside where they are safe.  There are untold hazards outdoors, and I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way.  :(

If the mushy poop continues, please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope everything resolves, and everyone will be well.
