Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Doe pee on kits.

Doe pee on kits.

22 10:38:30

I brought my 10 day old kits indoor from the cold to a small cage and fresh hay.  The mother was left in the cage with them overnight.  This morning the kits were fat from feeding but also a little wet with pee.  Do you think the mother did it on purpose?

I'm keeping the kits inside but the mother get to go outdoors during the day for more room.

Thanks in advance.

Dear Tom,

It's a little odd that she would pee on them, but she probably did it by accident, out of stress at being in a new, strange place.  

Please read:

For now, I'd block off a spacious, clean room for them, and let mama have a lot of room to move and get away from her babies if she wants to.  Please also read:

Hope that helps.
