Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I need some help w/8 day old domestic runt!! PLEASE!!

I need some help w/8 day old domestic runt!! PLEASE!!

22 9:50:34

Where can i get cecotropes for this lil' babe when needed?(i have 2 other does also, if that helps). I lost the doe & its litter-mates when we had record breaking high temps where we live in north east iowa just this last week. It seems to be doing ok so far...i'm not quite sure i'm feeding it enuff within a few hours it seems to be hungry again. My vet recommend i do small amounts more frequently. It just doesn't seem to get full. My main concern is the cecotropes tho, what do i do when/if this is needed?

Dear Sasha,

If it's hot enough for a rabbit to die of the heat, then you need to get your bunnies somewhere where there is air conditioning.  They are not equipped to deal with heat: in the wild they have cool burrows where they retreat to keep cool.  You must provide them with shelter from the heat, lest you suffer more tragedies.

For help with the orphan, please read:


Simple exposure to other healthy rabbits' fecal matter will help inoculate the baby, but if you want to try to get cecotrope flora into him, then try collecting cecotropes and gently rubbing them on his paws.  He'll lick to get them clean and inoculate himself with the good stuff.

I hope he will do fine.
