Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit cancer

rabbit cancer

22 9:50:34

hi i have a rabbit who is about 11 years old we have just noticed under her tail she has about 4 pink lumps we are not sure if they are just skin tags or cancer can you help?

Hi Katie:

The only way to truly diagnose a lump in a rabbit, or any species (including humans) is to have a biopsy taken and a lab culture run.

Without that, any diagnosis is only a strong guess based on symptoms and appearance, but cant be 100% like a pathology test.

Are you able to attach some pictures of the lumps?

The lumps can be cancer, they can be skin tags, they can be abscesses or tumors or they can be spider/insect bites or many other things.

Are the lumps raised above the skin, or below the skin? When you feel them, do you feel any mass below the skin where they are?

Are they round or odd shaped?  Do they seem fluid filled, or are they flat?

How big are the lumps?

Is the rabbit housed inside our outside?

Without being able to see the rabbit, pictures are really a necessity for any type of diagnosis.

Lisa L.