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Rabbit suffering from LICE and EAR MITES :(

22 11:22:59

other than the baby powder trick and revolution (my rabbit- 5.1lbs and i think they put him on the lowest dose..- started on that medication yesterday afternoon when i took it to the vet.), are there other stuffs that i can do to minimize or completely get the ear mite and lice out? there's a good bit of lice on my rabbit.. it's not realy that bad infestation.

P.s. any type of comb should i use?
Followup To
Question -
thanks for the quick response.. im just really worried about my rabbit (it's the only pet that i have).. i was just shocked that it has lice and ear mites. I've had my rabbit since 2 months old.. and never had a problem with it and I've been gone for 2 weeks, now it has ear mites and lice.. it rarely goes out of the house..

anyway.. my vet recommends that I go back after 2 weeks for him to check on the rabbit (see if the medication worked).. Is revolution a really good medication against those parasites?

Followup To
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My vet put my rabbit on revolution for lice and ear mites.. im just wondering how long would it take to get rid of all the lice and ear mites.. i am really worried about my rabbit. does flea and tick spray help remove those parasites too? i bought a flea and tick spray which contains 0.06% pyethrins.. is that safe? please reply asap. thanks a lot.
Answer -
Dear Claire,

Do NOT NOT NOT use flea and tick spray on your rabbit!  Be patient, and let the Revolution do its work.  The mites and lice didn't get there overnight, and they won't disappear instantly, either.  In about 24 hours, the insects and arachnid parasites will be paralyzed and begin to die.  Any later hatches of eggs present on the bunny will die after they hatch, so this may take a little while.  But you will start to see improvement in about a week.

Sprays are highly toxic, and dangerous for your bunny.  They might also have unknown interactions with the Revolution (selamecting). DO NOT USE THEM.  Please be patient and let the proper medication do its work.  It's working already.

Hope that helps.

Answer -
Dear Claire,

P.S. - If the infestation is really bad, you can apply a small amount of baby cornstarch (Johnson&Johnson brand is good--DO NOT use talcum powder!) to his fur, work it in, and then comb it out.  The cornstarch will help desiccate the lice and weaken them so the Revolution can finish them off.

Good luck!


Hi, Claire

I really wouldn't do anything other than the Revolution and powder.  A fine flea comb will work, but even better is a hand-held "dustbuster" type of vaccuum cleaner that will remove the dusty cornstarch completely, and prevent bunny from inhaling it (which can be irritating).  If you can't do that, then it's probably better not to use the cornstarch.  The Revolution will do the job.
