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My rabbit wont drink.

22 10:27:44

Hi, so my rabbit hasn't been drinking. The vet gave him a blood test a few days ago, and determined that he is not dehydrated. He has an ear infection, and today he started really grinding his teeth. The vet said his teeth are great though too. What should I do besides bring him to a vet?

Grinding of the teeth usually indicates pain, which if your bunny has an ear infection, makes sense.  If your vet hasn't prescribed a pain medication for him on that aspect there is not alot you can do.

However to get some fluids in him, your best bet is to either sweeten the water with sugar or kayro syrup, use very little and make sure to change the water alot to keep it fresh, or check out this page, it is about dehydration but the suggestions to get them to drink will work for you in this case also.

I imagine, as I have problems with having ear infections myself, that it probably hurt the bunny to swallow, which leads to no drinking or eating.  To make the most out of what he is drinking, try pedialyte so that when he is drinking he is getting extra stuff other than just water.

Good Luck and remember if it gets worse or you can't get him to drink for you, you will probably have to take him back to the vet.

Good Luck