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Rabbit pulling out fur

22 9:44:46

bald patches
bald patches  
Recently ive noticed my rabbits been pulling out his fur whilst washing. It's never happened before but since his female companion died, on the 1st of November, it seems he's been doing it. We've brought him toys but this hasn't stopped it. He's been moulting a lot recently but I brush him everyday. We've had him for a year and a half so he trusts us and he seems quite happy.
I don't know why he's doing it or how I can stop it.

Hi Megan,

Have you had him examined by a veterinarian?  From the photo it almost looks like he has fur mites.  Fur mites can look like dandruff.  While there are many things that can cause hair loss I would suspect that is what it is.  However it is still important to have him examined by a rabbit savvy veterinarian.  If you do not already have one you can try here:

Good luck
