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Urination Habits

22 11:25:59

We have had a male lop (I BELIEVE he is a Holland lop, although I'm not certain) for almost a year now, since he was very young. He originally had an all-metal cage, with a 100% screen floor (with a pan under it for droppings) that was barely 2' x 2'. He has always pooped and peed in the same corner of that cage. When he was young, he would poop and pee just about anywhere, later on, he would go near his cage if he wasn't in it, and even later, he would just poop right next to his cage if he was out.

He has since outgrown that cage and I built a wooden cage that is 2' x 4', with one half solid wood (somewhere to hide, although he rarely does, he prefers to lounge where he can see) and the other half his old cage bars. There is an ample spot (about 1' x 1') in the corner of THAT cage with a litterbox under it. We also moved his cage to the adjoining room. Since then, he has only pooped in the area of his old cage, or, if we blocked it, as close as he can get. He'll jump and run away if we yell his name or even get up, so he KNOWS he's not supposed to, but he hasn't urinated outside his cage in a very long time, although he will poop in just that one spot if left unsupervised or he thinks he can get away with it.

However, just recently, and this is what concerns me, he has been urinating in his cage right NEXT to the grated area. He will still poop there, so it goes into the litterbox beneath, but he urinates on the solid floor of his cage, not a drop goes down into the bottom. He still tries to poop regularly outside his cage, but we're basically just dealing with that, as it's only one spot and it's not terribly messy. But I'm concerned about his messy urinating in his cage. For a good 4 months he was fine with the litterbox, but all of a sudden, he's not. Oh, and he's been neutered since about the same time he switched cages. Sorry for the long message, and thank you!

Well, the first thing I would think of is to check and make sure he doesn't have a UTI so he can't help himself for missing.  

If that's not it, you may need to try multiple litterboxes, maybe with different litters, to see what he will use.  He could just be stubborn, or there's something he doesn't like about the new box or the litter or even the location.

If you have to do multiple boxes for a while, eventually he will establish a preference and you'll be able to cut back to one box.
