Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > red/bloody urine?

red/bloody urine?

22 10:44:38

hi, i work at a pet store and i took home a mini lop bunny becuase he had a problem with his eye, he can only be about 4 months old or so... and im pretty poitive hes a boy..he has not been spayed or anything..but i just noticed today that when he was running around on the floor he peed, and his urine was strictly watery/ red blood. what does this mean?

Dear Lindsey,

Rabbit urine can vary in color from pale yellow to orange to red and even dark brown, depending on what the rabbit has been ingesting.  But if you are really sure this is blood (which is possible), it is a serious medical problem that should be seen and treated by a good rabbit vet as soon as possible.  You can find a good vet here:

There are various things that can cause blood in the urine, from bladder stones/sludge to uterine cancer (in female), any of which would be uncommon in a rabbit this young, but not impossible.  Trauma from an injury could also be the culprit.  But if this is really blood, then get bun to a good vet right away for treatment.

I hope this helps.
