Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit bit me :(

my rabbit bit me :(

22 11:36:29

Hiya, I've just come home and tried to take my rabbit out of her hutch and she bit me, she only nipped, not like holding on and breaking the skin, but this still worried me. She is usually so tame, when I get her out of her hutch usually she puts up a little bit of fight, running and kicking but she has never bit me before. I am just worried why this is, could there be something wrong with her? She is eating and drinking normally, and running around happily so I am confidfent she hasnt hurt herself. I hope you can help :)

Hi Zara,
       there is nothink to worry about.I use to have a rabbit just like her.What you need to try and do is,when you open the cage door just put in your hand and let her smell your scent and just gently stroke and talk to her.When she is nice and relaxed just try and gently pick her up.If she struggles let her go and start again.If she doesnt struggle then tell her that she has been a good girl and if possible give her a treat and every time she is good give her a treat so everyday she will think to her self that if she lets you pick her up then she will get a treat.
I hope this helps and good luck from Natasha.