Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > baby orphan

baby orphan

22 10:21:15

This morning my father found a new born jack rabbit and we believe it's abandoned. I've found some great information off of another web site with some very specific information which is great considering i have NO IDEA what I'm doing. I'm a bit worried about raising the orphan because i have 2 cats and I don't know how they will react to the youngster. My question is:

Can i raise my rabbit with my cats so that they can live in harmony or is it impossible?

Hi Vanessa,

Ok yes it can be done I have a cat and  dog with my bunny's under the same roof. But your not talking about a domesticated rabbit and there is a big difference. Also Jack Rabbits are different from other wild rabbits there more skid dish then normal and can injur themselves when hand reared. They should really be raised buy a wildlife specialist