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EMERGENCY bunny birth

22 10:31:06

My bunny looks like she has a baby sticking out of her genitals. What do I do??

Dear Louisa,

If she is having difficulty giving birth, then she should be brought to a rabbit expert vet IMMEDIATELY:

You can try to gently grip the baby and *gently* pull, but this can result in a complete disaster if the baby does not come out easily.  The baby's body can tear, with the rest remaining stuck inside the mother.  So really this requires veterinary intervention IMMEDIATELY, and unless the baby comes out very easily when you add a little assistance, don't try anything drastic.

If there are no rabbit vets available now, try an emergency clinic.  The procedures used should be pretty much the same as for a dog or cat in the same dire condition.  If anesthesia is required, and the vet is not familiar with rabbit anesthesia, you might mention to him/her that isoflurane is the gas anesthetic of choice, and is safe and effective for rabbits.

Please do not delay.  Her life is in danger.
