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dragging of the legs

22 10:42:40

My rabbit Pepe partially drag her legs she can occasionally hop but over things like grass and when in the vege garden she cant seem to hop they just trail behind her i would like to take her to the vet to be checked out but i dont think my mum could afford it pepe is just over 8 months if this helps.
thank you

Hi Phoebe,

I am sorry to hear about your gal Pepe.

I am going to be very honest here.  I am sympathetic and I can understand that you love your bunny.  Part of that love means taking care of your pet when it is sick/injured.  This kind of thing can happen for a number of reasons and the right person to look at your bunny and give you a proper diagnosis and treatment is a vet.  It could be from an injury, it could be a genetic problem, it could be she has an infection or parasite that is affecting her nervous system.  Only a vet can help figure out what it is exactly and give her the right treatment.  And getting the right diagnosis and treatment is crucial to getting her healthy without costing you more money than necessary.

Going to a good rabbit vet is the key issue.  Not all vets are good rabbit vets.  Some are better than others because of a number of factors.  If you need a good rabbit vet, go to:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet in your area.  If you can't find any here, call up your local animal shelters and rabbit rescues and ask who they would go to if they had a sick/injured rabbit.  Often you can find a decent rabbit vet this way, as word of mouth gets around.

You have to budget for pets.  You need to be able to give them an annual exam (wellness checkup) and I would put aside money for at least one unplanned/emergency trip to the vet each year as well.  I would give this advice to you for any domestic pet.

Hope this helps, I will keep your gal and you in my thoughts.  Write back anytime.
