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urgent - eye problem

22 9:55:47

QUESTION: Dear Dana,
Ted has had three eye infections (twice in the right eye, once in the left) since April. The vet prescribed Fucithalmic which seemed to cure it eventually just to recur again. The corner of his right eye is looking a bit red and slightly swollen again! During the last visit the vet told me it might be pasteurellosis which can't be cured. This really upset me. Please help me get Ted the best care I can. What should I ask for? A culture? Should I start using the Fucithalmic again? Other than this eye problem, Ted is happy and healthy, eats a good diet of lots of fresh vegetables and herbs and a variety of hays with a very small amount of pellets.
Many thanks.

ANSWER: Dear Diane,

If the vet thinks Pasteurella can't be treated, you need to find another vet.  No, the bacteria may never be completely cleared from the body. But that doesn't mean that the pathology can't be addressed.  IF this is even Pasteurella.  But it doesn't sound to me as if the vet has made much effort to seriously determine the cause of this problem and treat it adequately.

I would strongly suggest you find a more rabbit-savvy vet:

who will take your bunny more seriously as a patient.  Fucithalmic is a topical medication that might not even be addressing the underlying cause.

You have not told me what his actual signs of infection are, which would help. If he has runny eyes, please read this:

The problem could well be related more to his teeth than to his eyes.  Also see:

If you are anywhere near Harrogate, Yorkshire, then there is one of the world's best rabbit vets there:

If you cannot make it to see Dr. Harcourt-Brown, then at least they may be able to refer you to someone closer, if you give them a call.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Dana,
I have asked for a culture and sensitivity test - not cheap, $100. I should get the results in a few days.
Fucithalmic does 'cure' the symptoms but I am concerned because he keeps getting these eye infections. His eyes are not runny and his cheeks are not wet which I hope means the tear ducts are not blocked? The infection starts in the inner corner of the eye which looks red and slightly swollen. Many thanks for your help.

Dear Diane,

I think a culture and sensitivity is the right next step.  And no, it's not cheap.  :(  But you want to know the cause of this problem, and that's really the only way, if this is a chronic bacterial infection.

I can't really judge what's going on without seeing it in person.  I hope the vet can help you get this under control.  If it is something like Pasteurella, though, systemic antibiotics can be a big help.  Most strains of Pasteurella are sensitive to the fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, zeniquin, etc.), as well as to *injectable* (NO oral penicillins for rabbits!) Penicillin-G Procaine.

I hope bun will be well soon.
