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rabbit medication to stop pains

22 9:47:10

i have a 1 month rabbit which injured his leg my question is,is there any medication which could stop his pains if yes where could i get them from.

Dear Maria,

I would not use any over-the-counter pain medication on your rabbit, as some could be very dangerous.  Medications act very differently, depending on the species.

If your bunny is in pain from this injury, it could be serious, even broken.  Please get him to a good rabbit vet:

who can diagnose the seriousness of the problem and determine whether more than just pain medication is needed.  If the leg is broken, pain medication will not provide enough relief, and the injury will not heal on its own.  

Please get your bunny to the vet for appropriate diagnosis and treatment with rabbit-safe pain medication such as metacam and/or tramadol.

Hope this helps
