Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit siezure?

Rabbit siezure?

22 9:47:51


This morning I was woken up by the sounds of my bunny thrashing/kicking violently in his cage. I ran out To see what was happening.  I saw that his hut, food dish and most of the bedding had been pushed to one side of the cage and he was lying in the middle of the empty space making this horrendous racket. his water bottle and some of the bedding had fallen onto the floor (not always easy in a deep plastic bottomed cage). It went on for about 30-60 seconds. When he finally stopped, he looked at me, I refilled and reattached the bottle, and he took a drink in weird, slow sips.  He did try to escape when I opened the cage door but didn't play our usual feeding time game. Instead he bit at my hand.

He was just neutered on Thursday and the vet found a weird spot on his eye that he'd "never seen before", so he was prescribed Baytril. I gave him his first 1/2mL dose last night. He'd been acting weird all yesterday morning, too. Do you have any idea if it's the antibiotic, or perhaps some other cause?

Thank you.

Dear Kelly,

I've never heard of Baytril causing seizures, so I doubt this is related to the medication unless your bunny has an idiosyncratic sensitivity to the drug.  I've never heard of that, either.  But it's something to keep in mind.

Since you are in New York, there are lots of rabbit-savvy veterinarians around.  First contact your own vet and take bun in for an exam.  Try to find out more about the "eye spot".  If you are not satisfied, then go here:

and use the links to your area to find another rabbit-savvy veterinarian for a second opinion.  A seizure like this is certainly not normal, and you need to get to the bottom of this.

I hope all will be well.
