Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Pilo is moving very little and I have a funny feeling about his health.

Pilo is moving very little and I have a funny feeling about his health.

22 10:38:47

Hello, Pilo is a 7 year old white newzelander.  That is what my wife had said
before.  Yesterday he seem normal.  This morning about 1 hour ago. I see he
moving very little and look tire.  He is breathing a little faster than normal he
felt cold I wrapped him around some warm blankets and he seems OK.  
Normally when I touch him he kicks or turns around.  This morning when I
moved him he barely complain.  I am afraid there may be something wrong.  I
think I am taking him to the vet as soon as I can get a ride.  What would be
some signs if he is starting to pass?  

Sad in California.

Dear Armando,

Please get Pilo to a good rabbit vet ASAP, as he is seriously ill:

Please read this:

for emergency instructions on what to do until you can get him to the vet.

I am sending many healing vibes!
