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female lop, making odd noises

22 10:59:30

I work with a children's photography team and we have two lop's that we take on photo shoots to have pictures taken with children.  Recently the female has been making odd grunting like noises.  She is very jumpy (no pun intended) and really like to be held.  She kind of freaks out.  do you know what's going on?

Dear Kimberly,

If the female is not spayed, she may be either pregnant or having a false pregnancy.  If the former, then please see:


If the rabbits are both adults, then it's likely she is pregnant.  Rabbits are induced ovulators, and if they mate, the female ovulates:  pregnancy is assured.  A rabbit who is pregnant or having a false pregnancy will whimper and hunker when approached.  It's her way of telling a male to leave her alone because she's already in a motherly way!

Please also see:

As for the bunny's not liking to be held:  few do.  Rabbits are not appropriate as props for photography with children, as being moved around, handled by strangers, and having to be outside their familiar territory is extremely stressful for them.  

I'm sure you love your rabbits, or you would not have written with your concern about them.  So I hope you will take this opportunity to teach the parents and children you photograph that rabbits are NOT toys, nor are they appropriate Easter photo props.  Please replace them with *toy* rabbits that can't be stressed, are just as cute in a photo, and will not "freak out" the way your live rabbits are now.

Please do the right thing.

