Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > neuturing


22 10:38:47

Hi Sorry its me again, this is like my 3rd question, but I'm so worried about my rabbits because my old rabbit died suddenly when he was just 3 years old, my question is one of my rabbits has been neutered, so when is it possible to put them together again? for now they are separated

Dear Eleanor,

Try not to separate bonded bunnies at all, if they have been together all this time.  If the female is not spayed, and of reproductive age, however, then wait at least two weeks before allowing physical contact, since the male can have viable sperm in his "internal plumbing" for a few weeks after a neuter (as time passes, the sperm lose viability, and 2-3 weeks is usually considered safe).

If the female is spayed, they should be together so they don't become unbonded and fight!  If they must be separated for a while, then use the tips here for re-bonding them when the time comes:

In the meantime, be sure they can see/smell/touch each other through cage or pen, but not be able to mate.  Note also that the female will need to be spayed, if she's not.  Unspayed, unbred female rabbits have a *very* high risk of uterine cancer.

Hope this helps.
