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Pet rabbits birthing....

22 10:05:50

i found three dead babies in my pet rabbits cage four days early she hadn't pulled fur out yet or made nest. i re caged her cleaned out etc put towel in an she then had another on towel which eventually died 6hrs later. since this re cleaned again... an now she's burrowed a nest an plucked out her fur? does this mean theres more to come or what??please help.

Hi Chantelle....That is hard to say.  We don't breed here but my experience with breeder friends show that most litters are 3-5 kits depending on breed, age of the mother and the number of litters she has had.  If this is her first litter, she is most likely very confused on what is happening.  A friend's rabbit gave birth to her first litter and she didn't pull fur or even attempt to make a nest.  None of the babies survived.  Later births were successful.  As far as telling if she has any more kits in here....if you feel comfortable in doing so, gently palpitate the abdomen and if there are more kits there, you will be able to feel them.  The key is palpitate gently.  I would suspect that she gave birth to all she had and that her hormones are taking over her behavior....just a little late.  I would allow this nesting behavior to run it's course.  Keep a watch on her for any abnormal bleeding or for signs of discomfort.