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Double Chin?

22 10:57:27

Hello, I have a one year old Savana rabbit and it seems like over-night she's grown a huge double chin (and she's not overweight). Is this a sign of sexual maturity? Or something I can just laugh at? Thanks!

Hi Ashley,

rabbits have a dewlap (a fold of skin under their chins).  It generally is more noticeable in female rabbits and overweight rabbits (as it generally is mostly fat).  If they are sitting tight and compact, it also becomes more noticeable, and also if they have just finished grooming themselves in the front, it may be more evident.

I wouldn't worry about it, they all have them.  If she isn't intact/pregnant, you probably caught her sitting compactly or after grooming.  As long as the area does not appear to be a swelling from infection, and the area skin is not bare or irritated, it is okay.
