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floppy eared rabbit

22 10:06:05


My Rabbit Cadberry
I have a rabbit that is about 10 years old, he has been doing until a few weeks ago now he just sets around in the same spots, no hopping or anything. his front legs are spread apart straight out from his sides, they used to be under him. has he broken them some how or is this just old age.


get him in to your regular good rabbit vet right away.  He could have dislocated them, or he may have a pelvis problem.  PLease get him in to your good rabbit vet right away.  At ten years old he needs you to be looking out for him and WHENEVER he is not normal, you should just get him in to your vet.  An exam cost isn't anything compared to doing nothing and having him die on you because you didn't want to go in and get him looked at.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

With an older rabbit, you don't have the luxury of time to ask someone on the internet when an obvious problem is in front of you, your first instinct from now on needs to be to get him in to the vet.  Obviously you've been doing good with him for him to be 10 years old, but he is at his youngest about 70 in human years and you really need to get him in anytime he appears not to be normal, and especially if he's not his normal exicted self when his meals and/or treats are offered to him.