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my Holland Lops behavior

22 11:11:40

Hello,                              10/16/06

 Not too long ago, my holland lop attacked my husband when he tried to pick him up from his cage to take him out for playtime, then when he tried to pick him up after playtime, he then bit my husband in the arm.  Then also "checkers", tried to attack my husbands hand when he was trying to fill his food bowl.  Although checkers hasn't attempt any of these behaviors towards me ever since we bought him.  We bought him when he was 2 months old, he was born sometime in July.  And at first everything was find, he'd let my husband pick him up, put him on his back, and just comb him, without trying to attack his arm or hand when he tries to put hay or treat inside his cage, he even use to come out of his house when my husband would call his name and pet him.  But now, when my husband try to approach checkers, he would run inside his house, and won't come out, but when I pass by or stop by to call his name to try to pet him, he'd quickly come out of his house and wanting to be pet by me.  What are the possible reasons why checkers started this awful behavior towards my husband?, now I'm hesistant to even let my 3 year old pet him w/o us being around to supervise.  There are also times when we try to pick him up, he'd kick, as if he was running in air, even though we'd pick him up the right way... please help us... we love our checkers and would like to be able to have him as a pet to hold, cuddle, and play with and not worry when and if he'll bite again.  We'd like for checkers to feel comfortable with us picking him up, without struggling.

Agression is not typical in holland lops. I am not really sure why he started acting like this and only toward your husband. Did he do something that may have startled him? This could be the problem. You didn't mention if he was neutered or not, but sometimes this fixes the agressive rabbit. It sounds like a dominance/territory thing.