Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > new bunny has moist nose

new bunny has moist nose

22 11:32:28

hello, i just purchased a mini lop about a week ago from a pet store and she is wonderful, but i am a little concerned about her health. Since earlier today her nose has been sligthly moist she doesn't sneeze or cough she seems to be quite happy she runs around and bounces every where and she eat very well so she doesnt seem to be sick but i've heard that a moist nose is bad so i'm worried.Her stools are also more soft
today than yesterday, but they are well formed, so i'm guessing those are cecals. Is the moist nose and the soft stools something to worry about? I appreciate your advice. thank you

Dear Emily,

A slightly moist nose is normal, as long as it's not running.  If she's sneezing or actually has a runny nose, then please read:

for more information on diagnosis and treatment.

Soft stools are not normal if they don't look like healthy cecotropes (which look like clusters of shiny grapes and are very stinky).  For complete information on this, please see:

and be sure to read the link on dental problems and diet, both of which are often associated with mushy poop.

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
