Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Male rabbit missing his mate and lonely.

Male rabbit missing his mate and lonely.

22 9:50:42

I bought a female dutch and male mini lop rabbit last August.The rabbits lived in two separate cages. I let them out together and she had two litters of bunnies. About a month ago I got the male a hutch to live outside,but now I think he is very lonely and sad. Every time I hold him or pet him he kicks and bites. What should I do?

Dear Gail,

Rabbits are very social, and he no doubt misses his beloved mate.  There is no reason to separate them as long as both are spayed/neutered.  Please have this done, and try to schedule the surgeries on the same day so they can go together and be moral support for each other.  Read:


for more detailed information.  Most importantly, find a vet who is very experienced with rabbits:

If they both go for the surgeries together, bonding might be much easier.  But if you need additional help, please see:

Note that if you still have any of the babies, they will eventually need to be spayed/neutered, too, for their health and longevity.

Hope this helps.
