Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Free Range - area required

Free Range - area required

22 11:26:18

We live in the West Coast of Scotland (Sunny, mild, damp and no snow) and are 2 years into the creation of a "Meadow Garden" with a current area of approximately 8 x 4 meters.

One side is walled, if the rest were suitably fenced and with a double hutch in one corner.

How much extra feeding would be needed to support a spayed pair of the local wild variety of rabbit?

If the rabbits are going to strictly be living off the land, then you would most likely want a fairly large space.  If you are going to provide them with food, then you wouldn't really need more than you have now.

I can't find any information on how much space one rabbit needs to live off the land.

It sounds like these bunnies would have a lovely space, though.
