Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is he sick??

is he sick??

22 10:21:13


     My bunny is about 3 months old.(he's a lionhead.) Recently i find him laying straight out in his cage. some times he is turned over so he is on his side. When i open the cage he gets up and acts normal. he still eats,poops,drinks, and plays like normal.i have read that lying out like he does could mean dehydration, but he has been drinking plenty of water since i got him. Should i go see my vet??? Please Help!!!

Dear Courtney,

A very relaxed bunny will often flop right over on his side to sleep and look like a little, furry rug.  When the feet are kicked out behind him, it's a sure sign he's a happy little camper and feels right at home where he is.  :)

If your bunny were so dehydrated that he was out flat on his side, he would be close to death.  That he gets up and acts normal when you check on him means he's just fine, and having a good snooze in the presence of the human he loves and trusts so completely that he can sack out and not have a care in the world.

Cute bunny!  

Hope that helps set your mind at ease.
