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Mushy Poo

22 11:16:01


My rabbits have had chronic mushy poop for a while now -
almost since I got them as babies three months ago. I have
taken them to the vet and had samples examined and there
doesn't seem to be an infection/parasite/unwanted bacteria
or ...

I have been changing their diet - trying different vegetables for a
period of about a week and waiting to see if this helps. So far
they can't handle even one vegetable in isolation; (Both rabbits
have  a problem) Grass from the garden seems to be OK though.

The vegetable I tried first is broccoli (the stump and the florets),
because I read that this might be the easiest to introduce. Carrot
was second - distaster (although I didn't necessarily expect that
to work anyway). Then spinach, which I know they aren't
supposed to have much of at any rate.

I don't want to have to feed them pellets, but I'm worried that
hay is not sufficient to keep them healthy. Do you have any
suggestions on how to introduce them to veges without making
them sick? Kale is not readily available and it's winter here so
most herbs are out of the question. Do you know what silverbeet
is? I can get lots of that if it's OK for them.

I haven't been giving them big quantities, just a couple of small
chunks each. They are five months old - and I don't think the
problem is dental because they haven't stopped chewing
whatever takes their fancy!

Please help - I have scoured your Lair of the Hare so I know what
type of balanced diet I'm aiming for, but I can't seem to achieve
it. Where am I going wrong?

Thank you,


Well, you have ruled out any medical reasons.  And you are right, hay in itself is not enough to keep them healthy.  If ever single veggie you feel them is causing this issue, then you may want to back off on veggies for a while.  There are good pellets out there.  I am assuming you are in the southern hemisphere, so I don't know what pellets are available to you, but a plain green pellet, with no added treats or colored objects or beans or corn can provide them a good diet in conjunction with hay.

There are other diet references at but the lists are geared towards an American audience.

So they can't even do parsley or cilantro or red or green leaf lettuce without issues?  Most rabbits can do ok with those veggies.  Silverbeet is known as Swiss chard in the U.S.  I don't see it on my list, but if you find a list that has it feel free to try it.

I don't think you are doing anything wrong.  Some rabbits have trouble eating veggies and don't get them very often if at all because it causes digestive issues.  While it would be nicer to have the rabbits who can eat anything without problems, they wouldn't be your bunnies.

Good luck.
