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Lops losing hair

22 10:57:03

It seems my 2 month old holland lops are missing about half of their back hair. I have four babies and all but one are expiriencing this. Their hair isnt completly gone, its just really thin on the bald spots. Their skin isnt really flakey.. there are some little flakey spots but not really... Im just trying to sell them now and I dont think anyone would want them if they had hair missing. Thank you for your time!

There are a couple possible explainations. Since only one is not losing the hair, my first guess would be that the one that is not losing the hair is dominant. It could be mounting the others and plucking out the fur.

Fur mites could also be the cause, though generally you will see flakes and/or scabs along with it.

Finally, they could be moulting early. Most babies do not moult out their baby coat until they are at least 3 1/2 months, but sometimes they moult out early. This, however, I would say would be the least likely.

Try seperating them, and see if the hair starts growing back in.