Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit not eating or drinking

Rabbit not eating or drinking

22 10:40:12

I have a rabbit that is a little over one year old.  Recently he has been eating very little and not drinking much water either.  Then the other day I noticed that his urine was a dark orage/red color.  What could be wrong with my rabbit?

Dear Terran,

Any time a rabbit doesn't eat, it should be considered a veterinary emergency.  Dark urine can signify dehydration due to inappetence and not eating, and can contribute to very serious illness, or even death.  Please find a good rabbit vet here:

and read:

while you're waiting to see the vet.  Consider this an emergency, and get that bunny to a good vet immediately.  His life could be at stake.

I hope this helps.
