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Ear wax buildup in my Mini Rex

22 10:25:50

Hi Amy, I've had a mini rex for about 3 1/2 yrs and he is fairly healthy and happy. He doesn't frolic as much but he is affectionate, loving, toilet trained and overall well behaved. I can leave him out for hours unattended and he won't chew on any wires but he will hide in the hole he made underneath my couch. Lately I've noticed that he is mopey when out of his cage. Sometimes he's so sad he lets his face fall flat on the floor. At other times, he sits in his spot and suddenly starts to moan, he doesn't seem to be in pain and he isn't humping the floor. The moaning goes on for prolonged periods of time and I am concerned. I also found wax buildup in both his ears, a lot of it. I took most of it out and am looking into a good rabbit vet in my area. What can I do to make my honey bunny healthier and happier?

I think your doing the right thing, cleaning his ears is a good start and getting  him to a vet for a regular check-up will also be able to help you more than I can.  However I can give you some websites to check out so that you have a better understanding of rabbit illnesses, and the symptoms.

He sounds like he is a wonderful bunny who is very spoiled and well taken care of.  It may be that he is bored, or the fact that it is hot (well in the middle of the U.S. it is, not sure if it is where your from)

But when a rabbit starts acting funny or abnormal the first thing I always suggest is getting them into a rabbit savy vet.  This will be the best way to tell if he is sick or just unhappy.

Good Luck