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Sick buny

22 11:09:05

my 7 year old bunny seemed fine this morning, then a couple of hours later was lying on her side, almost as if she was sleeping. She seemed to have trouble moving and her hind leggs seemed to be in a funny position, very forward.  Her head also seemed to tilt to one side. After a few hours, she was sytill in that sameposition,. I picked her  up and placed her  next to her feed, but she was not hungry, and manages to hop back ( a bit shaky and wabbly) to the same position she was lying in before. It has been 10 hours and she's barely moved. She diid feed on some grass I gave her a few hours ago. She is a 'free range' rabbit and runs around in my back yard.  the male bunny looks a little lethargic also. She recently gave bith (10 days ago) and is feeding 1 bunny.  Do you have any ideas if she is sick or just ate something that doesnt agree with her? I have not changed her diet, and her poop just seemed to be a little smaller in size yesterday.  

Dear Kanella,

A rabbit this sick needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet *immediately*:

The internet is NOT the place to seek help when precious time is wasting.  Ten hours without moving!  I am very surprised you didn't get her to a good vet the moment you saw her in this condition.  PLEASE get her to a good vet right away. The symptoms you describe are very generalized, and do not indicate any specific condition except extreme illness or poisoning.

Take the male with you, as well as the baby, and have them all checked. I hope it is not too late.
