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If a holland lop and mini...

22 11:27:16

If a holland lop and mini rex are bred together will some of the babies have lop ears and rex fur?

The short answer to your question is simply, NO. No rex fur, and some babies may have a tendency toward lopped ears, but certainly not nearly as distinctive as the Hollands have. I am sure some folks have developed rex coated Hollands, but I don't know them. Realistically, it takes a while. (See below).It is not difficult to do genetically, takes about 3 years to get some nice ones. That first cross you can expect, generally, to get a rabbit that looks much like a wild, normal rabbit..They will be probably browish (depending upon the colors of the parents)and have regular fur, regular ears, and regular body type. If you were to crossbreed back two of the babies from the litter with each other, you would get 25% rex coated, and possibly 25% Lop eared, but the odds of getting all that on one rabbit with only a second generation are 6.25% (25% X 25%) or about 6 out of 100, or 1 in 16. To put it plainly, using only the second generation rabbits, and expecting  litters of about 4 babies in each litter, it would possibly take 4 litters (best bet) to get one. see why it will take as long as 3 years?   Hope this information is useful to you. regards, Steve