Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbits should I take it to the vet?

Rabbits should I take it to the vet?

22 10:25:45

QUESTION: Hi, nihaam fisrtly I would like to thank you for all your time and help! I am the one who always ask you Questions becuase I asked others but I think you are the best! Can I take my rabbit to the vet just for a normal check up. Because I read your past answers and I read you said that you never took your rabbits to the vet! do you advise me?
Also I want to ask permishen! can I keep my two rabbits names same as yours! Floppy and Flopsy? thanks one again!

ANSWER: Hello, Duhaa
Thanks for all the nice things you said about me!
And you can keep your rabbits the same names!  I will really be very pleased!
Really I will not advise you to take your rabbit when there is not a need to go to the vet but remember if its emergency you must! Its right I never ever took my rabbits to the vet and you can come and have a look at them and let me know!

From nihaam...
wish you the best!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello, nihaam! its duhaa again so sorry to bother you!
I just have one Question! I always give my rabbits Fresh foods but I do not know if I can give them Potatoes, Tometoes, and Onions is it healthly for rabbits?
And I did get your anwer and I really did not take my rabbits to the vet! Thanks. From duhaa.

Hello, duhaa
Its good that you did not take your rabbits to the vet!

I will not advise you to feed rabbits onions and poatoes. These are foods that contains Poison.their are many plants and foods thats Poison for rabbits but I just gave you A few.
Plants found to be Poisonous to Rabbits:
Green Potatoes

Eating poisonous plants can affect your pet in a number of ways.
They range from stomach upset to death.
Symptoms include: salivation, skin allergy and heart and
breathing trouble, as guinea pigs cannot vomit, the plants that
give this symptom will probably go unnoticed until it is too
late. They may undergo physiological stress after ingesting those
which irritate the digestive tract.
Accidental ingestion of poison or poisonous
plant, eating toxic food or garbage, improper medication

From nihaam...
Hope you the best!