Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > lost kit in my patio!!!

lost kit in my patio!!!

22 10:40:14

Hi there-

I hope you can help.  Today I noticed a baby rabbit on my patio.  I live on a bottom floor condo and I think it may have fell down onto my patio. He does not seem to be injured. I put out two small carrots for it which I noticed later on in the day had been nibbled on.  I am scared to go out there to look for it.  I have a few boxes out there, which I believe he is hiding behind.  My boyfriend will be over on Sunday and said he will use a clean shirt or towel to catch it and release it back out.  What should I do in the mean time?  Should I leave out some water and carrots everyday?  Please reply or direct me on whom I should contact.  Thanks for your time.

Dear Adelina,

If you wait until the weekend to release the wild baby, then he may die.  Please don't be afraid of him.  He is absolutely harmless, and the biggest danger is that you might step on him if you are squeamish and easily startled when he darts out from his hiding place.

If you absolutely can't bring yourself to let him out, provide a shallow dish of clean water, and some hay.  Here's what you can feed a bunny safely:

I hope this helps, and he'll be free soon!
