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Holland Lop Rabbits Follow Up

22 11:11:00

Hi again! Thank you so much for all the time you have spent helping me!  
So about my rabbits, will I ever be able to show my buck?  Hes a
beautiful rabbit, wonderful black and white fur and huge floppy ears, but
if he gets to big will i have to show him as a mixed breed?  Thank you
so much for all your help!!  I think its so awesome for you to help people
like this!

No, Through the american rabbit breeders association you cannot show mixed breeds. The only way your bucks weight will stop him from being shown is if it goes over 3 1/2 lbs. If you want you can send me a pic of them both, and i will tell you what i think of them. I am pretty good at judging the hollands. Email is