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sore on my rabbits hocks

22 11:10:29

I have 5 rabbits. Only a few of them hove what look like blisters on their heals that have burst and healed over. But one of them has formed what looks blisters surrounding the original blister. These blister became infect and burst. Now, when I look at her feet, there is a very white center. Almost as if the white part is a core. I don't know what to do for care of the sores. I'm also wondering if their wire as the base of the cage is the cause of their sores. What should I do?

Any wire cages should be lined with resting boards or a resting mat. The best I have found is E-Z mats. These are hard plastic with holes in them for the urine and feces to go through. Wire cages are good because they are much more sanitary, but some rabbits do not have enough padding on the bottom of their feet to deal with wire cages.

As for the sores, a product called bag balm (originally used to coat chapped cow udders) works well for soothing the feet. Keep her off the wire. Until you can get an E-Z Mat (you can purchase them online if you cannot find them elsehwere), an untreated and unpainted board will work to keep her off the wire.