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Female genital area is swollen

22 10:08:04

I have been doing a lot of research and I've come to a possible solution that my female rabbit is in her sexual maturity stage. Her genital area is swollen and pink, but her behavior seems normal and shes eating like she always has. I was wondering if this sexual maturity is the case, will she get out of this "phase" if so: when? and if not why? If there is anything I can do for her, please advise me.

Dear Samantha,

A sexually receptive female rabbit will often have swollen genitalia, but if the area looks abnormally swollen, inflamed or painful, this is not normal, and should be seen by a good rabbit vet, whom you can find here

Female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer, so it's very important to have her spayed if she is now sexually mature. Please read:

I hope this helps.
